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My Testimony Part 1

Updated: Jan 25, 2020

This is about how Baby Grape was born, and how I was not prepared at all.

Melody Milagros Ferreira... What an entrance girl!!

“The trauma said, ‘Don’t write these poems. Nobody wants to hear you cry about the grief inside your bones.”

Before I start, I want to thank my family, friends, support groups, and all the strangers who have prayed for Baby Grape, and my family. Thank you so much for your prayers. I say a prayer of gratitude every night. I am truly blessed. I can not say thank you enough.

It’s going to be a long story, but I’m finally ready to talk about it.

The night leading up to October 1st, 2019 was the night I could not sleep. I had no idea why. At this point of my pregnancy I was 31 weeks. I kept getting up to go to the bathroom, but I didn’t have to use it. It was 6:00 A.M I did not have any pain whatsoever, but I felt something in me was different.

Then, there it was! The sudden flow of BLOOD! My mind went everywhere thinking “is this it?!?” “AM I LOSING MY BABY!?”, “I feel so numb with no pain at all, this is it for the both of us.” How was this happening!? I was already thinking the worst! This should not be happening at 31 weeks.

Luckily for me, my sister and mother rushed me to the emergency room. Alfredo was not far from the hospital so he was already there. Without a thought or any wait they rushed me into a room.

They had me change, and started taking my vitals and blood. There was a nurse with me her name was Michelle. (My angel in disguise). We waited for the doctor to come in, and as soon as she saw me she was ready! Her first words to me were “It’s going to be okay”, and then Alfredo asked “Can I call my principle to let them know they need to get a sub.” The doctor started laughing and said “Yes, and Tell them your baby is going to be born today!”

Hearing that made me so happy “She’s alive, and she's okay.. We are both okay. THANK GOD!”

From there she started to tell me about the epidural, and how she was going to do the C-section.

Then, she said “Any questions?” I was just about to say no until, the next thing I knew the machines and alarms were ringing, and flashing very loudly. All I remember from that point on was

“The O.R is prepped, and good to go! Forget the epidural! We don’t have time for that! We need to get this baby OUT NOW!”

They rushed me into the O.R, Michelle was next to me the whole time. She told me “We can’t hear the baby's heartbeat anymore, your blood pressure is too high, and no one is going to be allowed to come in here with you.”

I was alone, and scared. I PANICKED!! I wasn’t in pain, and I kept trying to fight the nurses off. Really like what was I thinking they were saving our lives!!

They held me down, and forced the mask to my face putting me to sleep.

Apparently, I woke up before they took Baby Grape to another hospital, but I do not remember that. I went back to sleep or they put me to sleep. I do not know!

It was October 2nd, mid afternoon when I finally woke up.

To me it felt as if I had just woken up from surgery. I remember the first person I saw was Alfredo. I was very happy, and excited to see him! I wanted to get up, but I felt sooo much pain coming from my lower stomach. I was still out of it, and felt light headed. I asked him “Where is the baby? How is she?” He then told me “I told you yesterday remember? You got a chance to see her before they took her?”

*confused* Melody was transferred to another hospital, because where I was at did not have a NICU. After that, I was really scared, and all I could do at the time was pray, and sleep.

To make this story short,

I was not discharged from the hospital until October 5th around 7:00 p.m.

I will have another post with more details about how my placenta detached and collapsed, pre-eclampsia, surgery, and what those 5 days were like.

Thank you so much for reading!

I am open to answering any, and all questions. (Private or Public)

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