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My Testimony Part 2

I got to meet Baby Grape after five days. I was on a lot of medications for my blood pressure, and I was also recovering from my emergency C-section.

The reason why Baby Grape was born at 31 weeks was because my placenta detached causing it to collapse right on top of Melody. My blood pressure raised to an all time high.

I was diagnosed with preeclampsia.

I had three IVs.

One on each of my wrist, and one on my Median cubital vein, that was the one that was connected to my fluids.

The ones on my wrist were only for medicine. The amount of blood they drew had me bruised, because they were drawing blood every 4-5 hours.

“Trauma creates change, you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you DO change.”

October 1, 2019 -

Day one, I remember waking up around 10 a.m. I want to say.

I was still tired, and just remember I would wake, and the go back to sleep right away.

October 2, 2019 -

Day two, I remember waking up around 7 a.m.

I was still tired, and I still kept coming in and out of sleep.

My mom and sister were there. I remember seeing Alfredo too, but I think that was later on.. I don't remember. This was the day I found out Melody was transferred to a different hospital.

I learned what the NICU was. I just remember thinking “What is that? Is she okay? What is going on? When Can I see her?”

For the rest of the day, I was told to just calm down and relax. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!) This was the most stressful I have ever been! I just felt like no one wanted to tell me anything. The nurses were just waiting for the doctor to come in so that she could be the one to talk to me about everything that was happening.

Later that day, My surgeon finally walked into my room. She talked about how there were like 17-20 people in the O.R with her. How they all prayed over me, and Melody. She said that the reason why she did not do a small horizontal C-section is because it was an emergency, "There was not time for us to take our time."

She cut my midline going vertically, and did not use stitches. SHE USED STABLES!

Keep in mind I had not seen my incision yet.

She unwrapped me, and I was wrapped super tight like to the point where I could not breathe deeply without feeling any pain.

Then, I was finally free, and all I wanted was to THROW UP!!

23 Stables, and a large cut going down to my lower stomach. She said she got Melody out within 40 seconds..

AHHHHHH!! WHAT THE F****!!! I was truly grossed out!

Alfredo said “They worked fast! One moment they were explaining to me that I couldn’t be in there, and so I texted your mom and within the next second they said ‘Congratulations it’s a girl!’ then, I texted your mom again. within the same minute.”

17-20 people in that O.R were split into two groups Mom and Baby. I heard Melody gave them a lot of trouble when she was born, because she was born fighting. Since my placenta was on top of her she swallowed a lot of my blood. When they had her out she had a lot of blood in her mouth o the had to suction her FAST! Melody grabbed the suction with her own hands, and pulled it out of her mouth then dropped it to the floor! (She is feisty to this day)

October 3, 2019 -

Day three, A nurse came in to disconnect me from the fluid bag. I was getting better in fact I finally got up that day. I was told not to, but you know.. I wanted to.

It took me forever to get up, and walk. I’m really short so I had trouble getting off, and on the bed. I went to the bathroom, and that was the longest walk of my life! It was only a few feet away., but it seem like I took a hundred steps. That was the last time I tried to walk. I was in bed for the whole day, because I felt like that was a work out.

I was so heart broken when I kept receiving pictures of Melody. I wanted to be the first one to see her, and I wanted to be there! I was still on so much medication that I just felt so tired. I did not want to tell anyone that they could not see her, because in a way I was happy everyone got to see, and tell me all about her. This day was also the day that I found out how small she was.

1 pound, 12 ounces and 12.5 inches.. WHAT?!? Micro-Preemie?!? HOW!?!?

Her doctors always heard a good heart beat except like, twice when we had to go to the ER

the first time was because the NP could not hear her heartbeat, and then again when I was just throwing up. Both times Alfredo, and I spent 8 to 9 hours just waiting.

The ultrasound tech never said anything about how small baby grape was. Thank goodness the hospital and clinic are connected, because my medical records were transferred ASAP! They saw that the last doctor visit I had was a different Doctor, and requested for the ultrasound tech to take Baby Grape's measurements.

Melody was already born when the doctor had given them a call about seeing a nutritionist, she put in my medical record that the "baby's growth is concerning."

It was later that, I learned about IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) [to put it lightly.]

I was scared at first, but it means that even though she was born at 31 weeks she was not measuring as a 31 week baby. She was measuring as a 27 week baby.

October 4, 2019

Day four, I remember struggling to take my pills. I was still feeling out of it, and not completely all there. I was feeling so much better than the days before. I was walking and getting up with less pain now. I was starting to pump, and just preparing my body to breast feed.

They told me that if I ate I would get discharged. I ATE!!

I wanted to be out already it felt like a week. I was doing so great until my blood pressure went up again. I was dressed and ready to go for them to say “It’s too much of a high risk to discharge you.” WHATTTT!?! I was so pissed! I just went to bed, and watched Hocus Pocus for the 4th night in a row.

October 5, 2019 -

Day five once again, I was told I would be discharged if my blood pressure lowered.

Every hour they kept checking my pressure, and giving me my medication through my IVs. The medication was still strong, and I was taking pills every 4 hours. I felt so weak, but I wanted to be discharged already.

I ate all my meals, and around 6:00 p.m. They told me I would not be discharged, because I was a “High Risk” patient.

Alfredo bought me coloring books, crayons, and puzzles. He was just as stressed out as I was. I remember just feeling so empty, and broken. I wanted to be with him, and baby grape.

Alfredo had to travel 30 minutes between Melody, and me. An hour passed, and my nurse Michelle came in, and told me she convinced the doctor that I am stable enough to be discharged.

Another nurse came in with a packet for me. It was 15-20 pages. The last 2 pages were just a list of my medications. (There were 5-6 total) I was able to leave, but they made me promise I would take my medications, and go to my follow-up appointment. They told us about the symptoms of preeclampsia, and to go to the ER right away if I got any of those symptoms. It’s a deadly thing without any warning. You can just imagine our fear.

  • Rapid weight gain caused by a significant increase in bodily fluid

  • Abdominal pain

  • Severe headaches

  • Change in reflexes

  • Reduced urine or no urine output

  • Dizziness

  • Excessive vomiting and nausea

  • Vision changes

  • Swelling of hands and feet

  • Decreased urine output

  • Impaired liver function

  • Shortness of breath, caused by accumulation of fluid in lungs

I felt scared every time I felt my head even slightly hurting. I would take my ibuprofen as fast as I could.

I finally met Melody after 5 days. I was not able to hold her, but I was just so happy to finally see her. She was the tiniest baby I have seen! She was born with soooo much hair! The Ronald McDonald house is down the block from the hospital. We have been here for the last three months.

I am so thankful for the Ronald McDonald House Charity. They have helped so many families stay together. If it were not for them we would have to be traveling 30-40 minutes to see Melody.

Thank you so much for reading, sending me kind messages, and keeping us in your prayers.

We ask to please help us collect soda can tops to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. Thank you!

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